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3 min read
How Reformer Pilates Can Help with Back Pain
At least 80% of people will suffer one episode of back pain during their lifetime. These days many people work sitting in front of a...

4 min read
Taking Time Out For YOU!
How often do you take time out for yourself? Do you have a daily timeout practice, weekly or perhaps once or twice a year? Or do you just...

1 min read
Pilates and Osteoarthritis
We know that Pilates is great for everyone! And that definitely applies to anyone with Osteoarthritis.Sometimes because our joints are...

2 min read
Making the change
You've let yourself go during the Christmas break or way before then! It happens to the best of us. That moment when you realise that...

2 min read
When is the right time
Why are you still waiting for the right time to get fit? You are busy and hectic. Your family member is sick. Your job is demanding. You...

2 min read
How to make chocolate a not so guilty pleasure
Chocolate comes from plants, so it must be healthy, right? Wrong… it depends on what else is in the chocolate, and how close it is to the...

2 min read
Changing moods can effect food choices
So I have trained all week in fact I have trained all month, my trainer thinks I am making fantastic progress, my output per session has...

2 min read
Depression and the benefits of exercise
Depression is common in both men and women in Australia with around 1 million adults living with depression yearly. On average 1 in 4...

2 min read
7 ways to manage your weight
Managing your weight is all about lifestyle, and is not a quick fix! Wonder if you could apply a few of the 7 ways to manage your weight...
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